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A. Lets you change four directories that the program uses:

  1. Input files:
    1. Imported Plain Files: These are unencrypted files that are imported into the program to be encrypted.
      Default value: "Program Folder"\UserFiles\Imported_Plain.
    2. Imported Encrypted Files: These are encrypted files that are imported into the program to be decrypted.
      Default value: "Program Folder"\UserFiles\Imported_Crypt

  1. Output Files:
    1. Files encrypted by the program: These are the files that are the result of an encryption process.
      Default value: "Program Folder"\UserFiles\Encrypted
    2. Files decrypted by the program: These are the files that are the result of a decryption process.
      Default value: "Program Folder"\UserFiles\Decrypted

B. Should date information be added to filenames?

Determines if the names of imported or created files should be changed to include date information to help you distinguish files with similar names.

If yes, the program adds a string of the form "_yymmdd" to the filename. Example: YourFile.doc changes into YourFile_090224.doc, the date signifying 09 for the year, 02 for the month of February, and 24 for the date.

Default: Date information is added.

C. Disable Encrypt-to-Self

Per default, during every encryption to another person's key, InstantCrypt also makes an encryption to your own key (the signing key). Otherwise you cannot decrypt the message yourself (although you wrote it!), only the other person can. When you disable  "Encryption-to-Self" InstantCrypt does not make such an encryption to your own key.

This does not make a big difference during regular use, because InstantCrypt stores your clear text information together with the encrypted texts and files anyway. Unless you have additional reasons, you can leave this setting as it is.

InstantCrypt introduced this feature in version 2.2.2. Before, InstantCrypt did not and could not make an encryption to the signing key.

D. GPG File Location (Change not Recommended):

The reason for this option is only to comply with license terms of GPG, not to improve the functionality of this program.

You could, if you wanted to, use a gpg.exe file in a different location than the one provided, or you could try it with a different version of gpg.exe.

Recommendation: Do not change. This program has only been tested to work with the GPG version that is delivered with it.

Default: "Program Folder"\GPG\gpg.exe.