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Decrypt a File

If you get the encrypted file from e-mail: Save the file to your computer disk first.

  1. Import an encrypted file into the program:
    1. With the add button:
      1. Open the programs main form and
      2. Click on the lower Add button on the right, and select a file. It is now visible in the lower file viewer.
    2. Or: "Drag and drop" a file into the file drop area of the program's main form. If the program decides that it is encrypted, it will put it into the lower file viewer.
  2. Click the Decrypt button.
  3. Enter the passphrase of your key into the passphrase window.
  4. The encrypted file appears in the lower file viewer.
  5. Right click on the file and you can save it anywhere on the computer.

Note: Decryption will not work if the text is not encrypted to your key, even if you encrypted it yourself!