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Acknowledgments/Used Licenses

Used public licenses

1. GPG

InstantCrypt is a user interface that uses and makes accessible the encryption, decryption, and key management functions of GPG (or sometimes called GnuPG). Starting with InstantCrypt 2.2, Instantcrypt uses GnuPG Version 1.4.10 (before 1.4.2). The main executable of GPG, namely gpg.exe, is distributed together with this program. You find the GPG file in the directory …\GPG. If you have GPG installed on your computer at another location, you can use that installation also. However, this program has only been tested with version 1.4.10 (and previously 1.4.2).

GPG is governed by the license of the open source movement GNU; its use and distribution is free for private and commercial use as long as it is not altered or the alterations are made publicly accessible in source code and as long any distributor makes the used source code accessible to the people the program is distributed to. If you want the these GPG source files, you can download them at The relevant GNU General Public License (GPL), Version 3 for GnuPG 1.4.10, is included in the GnuPG download package. GPG's Website is; for newer versions of their programs and lots of other stuff, turn there.

Thank you, all you GPG guys, for developing this program and thus making encryption easily accessible!

2. WinCrypt

This program uses a code contained in WinCrypt.pas, a Pascal translation of the Microsoft's C- file WinCrypt.h. This translation was done by Starodub Oleg ( This code is available according to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1. Thanks, Starodub. A copy of the license (MPL-1.1.html) and the WinCrypt.pas source code can be downloaded at

3. Inno Setup 5

The Installation software is the freeware Inno Setup 5 by Jordan Russel. Thanks, Jordan, a great piece of work! For this application I used mostly the command line version. Jordan Russell, jr-2005 AT, can be visited on his website

4. PGP Components for Delphi (Michael in der Wiesche)

I used some code and a lot of inspiration from Michael in der Wiesche's PGP Components from Delphi (version 4.70 published as on his web page for my code deconstructing signed MIME files. My derived code is available as at

5. Drag and Drop Component Suite

For the drag-and-drop functionality I used Anders Melander's Drag and Drop Component Suite 4.0 (and later 4.2). It is in Creative Commons license and the author does not object to the incorporation of his work in commercial applications as long as this commercial application has a substantial added value to the component suite. The component suite can be downloaded here. This is great stuff!

6. Indy 10

For some Internet functionality I used Indy 10 components (, availabe under the BDS license ( Amazing work, thank you! I changed one file (debugged it), namely IdCoderTNEF.pas; The changed version is available as IdCoderTNEF_WS.pas here.

7. Graphics

I used a small number of icons from the Glaze suite and the Tango icon suite. The Glaze suite is designed by Marco Martin ( He published his suite under the GNU Lesser General Public License. The Tango suite (, now in public domain, is a collaboration of several artists. Thank you!

8. Wink

The demo videos were done with Wink 2.0 (, freeware available on the site of (and, I assume, developed by) Satish Kumar.

9. To sum it up:

As far as I know, no program for which the user or the copyright owner would need special licenses is part of this software.

Making source code available

GPG and Wincryp.pas allow free use of their software under the terms of their respective licenses; but they require the user of their software to make the sourcecode of the used programs publicly available. This source code is available at

Other Acknowledgments:

GPG and Wincryp.pas allow free use of their software under the terms of their respective licenses; but they require the user of their software to make the sourcecode of the used programs publicly available. This source code is available at

I want to thank everyone who helped build the foundation for the PGP encryption project. The original designer and developer of PGP (short for "Pretty Good Privacy”) was Phil [i.e., Philip R.] Zimmermann. (About him see in another part of this documentation package or at his homepage For years, the owners of PGP have published the source code and made the program available for private use. The current owner, PGP Corporation, is following the tradition of giving away their program for non- commercial use. (For more details see

For his highly readable descriptions and discussions of modern cryptography I am indebted to Bruce Schneier (especially his book: Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithm, and Source Code in C, 2nd ed, New York: Wiley, 1996, see also for much more material


I want to thank all those (and it is impossible to name them all) who made their experience and their programming tricks and tips available on the Internet. These were an invaluable help when trying to solve the nitty-gritty problems of daily programming!