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Create Your Key

1. Main Form

Main Menu: Key Management | Create a New Key
(In the Welcome Page: Create Your Own Encryption

2. A new screen opens which guides you through the process

    1. You will be asked for name, e-mail address and an "distinguisher". (The distinguisher is optional; add it to make your key's name unique.)
    2. You will be asked a "passphrase". "Passphrase" is the new name for password. It emphasizes that it is desirable to have something more difficult crack then just a simple word. Here are the basic rules for good passwords/passphrases:


Longer is better.


A phrase is better than just one word.


The larger the scope of characters, the better: mix lower and upper case letters, add numbers, add “extras”, such as ?, $, #, +.

(If you do not come up with a really good passphrase now, enter a simple password and change it later.)
