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Send Your Key

1. Main Form

Main Menu: Key Management | Export Your Own Key, or
Main Menu: File | Initiate Encrypted Exchange
Welcome page: Send Your Key to Someone

2. A window opens: E-Mail or File?

Choose: E-Mail

3. If you have more than one key (skipped otherwise)

A window opens that asks you which key to send.

4. E-Mail configuration

If you have not configured you e-mail connection, a window opens that asks you if you want to use your computers e-mail program or Web mail. Choose. (Your own e-mail program is the easiest.)

5. Finish the E-mail

The e-mail is automatically generated or prepared. If the file with your key is not already in the attachment, please do so manually. It depends on your e-mail program how this is to be done. Add a recipient.

6. Send the mail.

You have successfully exported a key.