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Export Another's Key


Exports another person's key from your key ring into a file that you can send to others who have asked for this person's key.

This routine can also prepare an e-mail for you to send the key.


  1. Main Menu | Key Management | Export Another's Key
  2. If you have more than one key of another person, the program asks you which one you want to work on.
  3. Screen: Export Key into Mail or File? Make your choice. OK
    1. If you chose to send by mail, the program prepares an e-mail with the exported key as an attachment. The program uses you current mail settings for this.
    2. If you choose to export into a file on disk, the program opens a window:
      1. The Browse button lets you change file directory and name. (It does not save the export key file.)
      2. Click OK to save the export key file to disk.
  4. Success message: OK.
