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Sign Another's Key

Actually, you sign a key User ID. If a key has more than one User IDs, you can sign one but not another.

Signing a key User ID adds information to the key saying that you (the signer) "trust" this User ID of the key. That means you are convinced that this User ID is "authentic", meaning the key actually belongs to the person identified by this User ID. (The program sends you warning messages when key User IDs are used that are not trusted.)


  1. Make sure you are confident that the key comes from its apparent owner. If not, verify first.
  2. Main Menu | Key Management | Sign Another's Key
  3. If you have more than one key of another person or keys with more than one User ID, the program asks you which User ID you want to sign.
  4. The signing screen opens.
    1. If you have more than one key yourself, you will be asked which to use for signing. Select.
    2. To sign, click OK.
    3. Enter the passphrase of your signing key.
    4. Success message: Click OK.
    5. Done.

Signatures done with InstantCrypt on keys that are not your own are not exportable.