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User ID Management


You can add, change, and delete User ID's of keys you own (i.e., of which you own the secret key.) E.g., if you get a new e-mail address, instead of making a new key, you can add a user ID with the new e-mail or change the e-mail address of the existing user ID. (Actually, the program "changes" a user ID by first deleting the old user ID and then adding the new one.) Know that if you delete or change a user ID of a key, the signatures tied to this user ID (and which give it validity) are deleted; i.e., the new user ID has to be signed again if it is to be considered "valid".

The cryptographic qualities of a key are not changed at all by changing user IDs. That is, the key encrypts and decrypts exactly as the old key. As long as you don't tell them, other people will not know that you changed the user ID(s) of your key on your computer.

First, you have to get to the user ID management form:

Work in form "On Key User IDs"


The name (= main User ID) and short Key ID of the chosen key are visible in the upper row of the form. The big window shows all user ID's, the main user ID at the top. Do not try to change it.


Check one of the radio buttons in the "You want to" box. (Some of these may be invalid, if this does not represent a reasonable choice in the situation.) Click "OK".

Four possibilities:


Add a user ID: Click on the radio button "Add a user ID", Click "Go". A form "Add a user ID" opens. Fill in the "Real Name", the "E-Mail Address" and the "Additional Distinguisher". (You can see in Create a key what these mean). "Click OK". You will be asked the passphrase of the key. Enter it, click O.K.  The program will return to the form "On Key User IDs" and show a message confirming the result. Click "Ok" to finish. The new user ID may (or may not) be the made the primary user ID by the program. You can correct this, if you wish.


Make selected user ID the main user ID: Select a user ID in the window "All User IDs" by clicking on it. Click on the radio button "Make selected user ID the main user ID". Click "Go". You will be asked for the passphrase of the key in another window. Please give it. Click "OK". The program will return to the form "On Key User IDs" and show a message confirming the result. Click "Ok" to finish.


Delete selected user ID: Select a user ID in the window "All User IDs" by clicking on it. Click on the radio button "Delete selected user ID". You will be asked to confirm that you want to delete this user ID. Click "OK". The program will return to the form "On Key User IDs" and show a message confirming the result. Click "Ok" to finish.


Change user ID (only for key with no secondary user IDs): Click on the radio button "Change user ID (only for key with no secondary user IDs)". Click "Go". A form "Change your main User ID opens. Make your changes in the lower half of the form. Click "Change ID". You will be asked for the passphrase of the key in another window. Please give it. Click "OK". The program show a message confirming the result. Click "OK", the program will return to the form "On Key User IDs", which finishes this procedure.

Return to "Key Management"

Click the button "Back" whenever you want to to exit this section, preserving all the action you did in the form "On Key User IDs".