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Manage User IDs

The user ID of a key consists of: Name, E-mail Address, and (optional) Distinguisher. This User ID is determined by the user during key creation.

Usually, one key has only one user ID. However, one can associate secondary User IDs with a key, namely a second name, e-mail, and distiguisher. This way it can work with two or more e-mail addresses or aliases of the owner. You can also change the UserID, e.g., if you change e-mail addresses or made an error when creating the key.

A change your User ID on your keyring  will not change the User IDs of copies of your key that you sent out before the change.

Important: The cryptographic properties do not change at all if you change the user ID. That means, the key encrypts and decrypts exactly in the same way as before.

To change user IDs:


  1. Main Menu | Key Management | More With Own Key(s)... | Manage Own User ID(s).
  2. If you have more than one own key, the program asks you which one you want to work on.
  3. Screen On Key User IDs. On the lower left you find options. Click on one.
    1. Option Change User ID.
      1. Click Go
      2. Screen: Change main user ID
        1. Enter a new name, e-mail address, and distinguisher or just make some changes.
        2. Click Change ID
        3. You will be asked for your passphrase. Give it, OK.
        4. Success message. OK
      3. You are back in the On Key User IDs screen and can see your changes. You cannot cancel any more at this point. If you want to undo the changes, you have to go through the process again.
      4. Click Back to go back to the main screen.
    2. Other options: Adding and deleting User IDs and changing the main user ID. If you really want to do this, I'll let you figure this out for yourself.
    3. Click Back to go back to the main screen.


A more detailed description on User ID management is here.