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Sign Your Own Key

Signing the User ID of your own key with the same key (called self signing) makes it impossible for someone to change the User ID of that key. Encryption programs usually send warnings if keys are used that are not self signed.

Under normal circumstances, you do not have to worry about this. The User ID of newly created keys and possible secondary User IDs created by InstantCrypt are automatically self signed. However, there may be situations when you want to sign the User ID of one of your own keys with another one of your keys.

In case you want to or need to sign a User ID of one of your own keys, follow these steps:


  1. Main Menu | Key Management | More With Own Key(s) | Sign Own Key
  2. If you have more than one key or a key with more than one User ID, the program asks you which User ID you want to sign.
  3. The signing screen opens.
    1. If you have more than one key yourself, you will be asked which to use for signing. Select.
    2. To sign, click OK.
    3. Enter the passphrase of your signing key.
    4. Success message: Click OK.
    5. Done.

Signatures done with InstantCrypt on your own keys are exportable.