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Sending E-Mail: What Happens

Click on the button Mail on top of the main form.

Depending on your e-mail configuration the following happens:

  1. You decided to use your own e-mail:
    1. Supported by most e-mail programs:
      1. Your default e--mail program opens with the encrypted message and files (if there are any) in the e-Mail attachments. (The encrypted message text is transformed into an attachment file). The program prepared subject and a text for the e-mail.
      2. Verify the recipient and make the changes to subject and text you want to make.
      3. Send the e-mail.
    2. If the first fails (or if you checked "Always use the Mail protocol" in the Mail configuration page) this happens:
      1. Your default e-mail program opens with preconfigured recipient, subject, and text.
      2. Next to it opens a window with the attachments which contain the actual encrypted messages.
      3. You have to export the attachments manually into your e-mail program. Depending on your e-mail program you may use copy-paste, drag-and-drop, or use the attachment function of your e-mail.
      4. Verify the recipient and make the changes to subject and text you want to make.
      5. Send the e-mail.
  2. You decided to use web mail:
    1. A window opens that contains all elements of the message to send: Recipient, subject, message text, and attachments.
    2. Your web browser opens; depending on the configuration with a blank page or already at your mail site.
    3. Finish the log-in into your e-mail with password etc. and open the place for sending a new e-mail.
    4. Transfer the message data into the message of your web mail. Depending on your web mail, you may use copy-paste or drag-and drop.
    5. To transfer the attachments, use the web mail's attachment function.
    6. Verify the recipient and make the changes to subject and text you want to make.
    7. Send the e-mail.
  3. You decided to use Manual:
    1. A window opens that contains all elements of the message to send: Recipient, subject, message text, and attachments.
    2. You have to open your mail application and transfer all the elements into it. Use Copy/Paste, Drag-Drop, and/or the attachment procedure of your mail program (whatever works).