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Configure E-Mail I: Which Connection

Here you choose, which e-mail connection InstantCrypt is to use. There are three main choices: Your default e-mail program, your webmail and "Manual", which means you need to open the e-mail program manually and then transfer the content.

Here are the steps:

1. Open the configuration form

From Main Form: Tools | Configure E-Mail

A Form opens: Setting up a Connection to your E-Mail

2. Make your choice: check one of the radio buttons:

3. Test the chosen option

To test, check the option you prefer and click the "Test" button.

This will try to prepare a test e-mail and show you if the chosen option works.

3.1 Your Default E-Mail Client is checked

3.1.1 Unchecked: Always use the Mail-to protocol

Uses your installed e-mail program, such as Microsoft Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird, etc., to send program-generated e-mails.

If available, this uses Window's MAPI protocol. Many, but not all e-mail program's support MAPI, among them Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express, WinMail, Mozilla Thunderbird, T-Online's eMail, and others.

What you should see:

Your e-mail program opened (you may have to log in first) with recipient, subject, mail message, and attachment.

If MAPI fails, the program automatically uses the Mail-to protocol: here you have to add the attachments manually. Almost all e-mail applications can work with Mail-to.

What you should see in this case:

A. Your e-mail program opened (you may have to log in first) with recipient, subject, mail message, but NO attachment.

B. A form showing the attachment (if there is any) that you need to attach to your e-mail.

3.1.2 Checked: "Always use the Mail-to protocol"

When you checked  "Always use the Mail-to protocol" the program to always use the "Mail-To" protocol and not even try MAPI. You would do this if the program produces errors otherwise.

What you should see: same as above

3.2 "Web Mail" is checked

To use your web mail, such as Hotmail, Yahoo Mail, Google Mail, etc. This setting will open your browser and prepare a form from which you can import everything into your web mail.

If you give the program the Internet address of you web mail, the program can open it automatically: Open your web mail manually once, then drag-drop or copy-paste the address from the browser into the form's "Landing Pad" field.

What you should see:

A. Your browser opened.

B. A form showing recipient, subject, mail message, and attachment that you need to import into your web mail.

3.3 "Manual" is checked

This will open a form with all the entries needed for an e-mail (recipient, subject, text, attachments) filled out. You have to open your mail  and transfer (copy-paste, drag-drop, "attach") these items.

What you should see:

A form showing recipient, subject, mail message, and attachment.

4. Do all this automatically from now on