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Configure E-Mail II: Text as...

Here you choose how InstantCrypt will process the encrypted "body" of your e-mail, i.e., the encrypted text part of your e-mail (opposed to the attachments).

After the reminder, warning you of not sending encrypted open text in an e-mail of which the text part (the "body") is HTML or "Rich Text" formatted, you have three choices:

    1. put encrypted e-mail text in a file (as an attachment), this is the safe way,
    2. put paste encrypted text as open text into your e-mail (works if e-mail is "plain text" without formatting, may not work if your e-mail program sends e-mail formatted as Rich Text or HTML (i.e., allowing different fonts, bold, italic, etc.)
    3. do both (a) and (b), combining convenience (b) with a backup plan (a).

Click OK when done or go back to configure the mail choice.