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Export via E-Mail

The Send button on the main form that sends encrypted messages as well as other function that send things (mostly keys, but also feedback to Instantcrypt, if you want) uses a subprogram that

    1. Either exports the content (text and files) directly into your default e-mail program.
    2. Or prepares a form that helps you export the content yourself into your e-mail or your web mail. (You can export this mostly with drag-drop or copy-paste, only putting attachments onto a webmail message can be more tedious).


    1. The default/standard setting is that encrypted e-mail text will be put into an attachment of the e-mail to avoid that it will be corrupted by HTML (Rich Text) formatting.
    2. You can choose to send encrypted messages as open text (please make sure that you e-mail is "plain text", i.e., basically without formatting).
    3. Or you can send as text and file (text for easy access and file as backup, in case the encrypted message is corrupted in the transportation process)

To use: Click on Send button on taskbar on top. (Only activated when you encrypted text that you might want to send.)

A description of the options: Sending E-Mail: What Happens

How to set the configuration: Configure E-Mail

When you receive encrypted e-mail, you will receive either encrypted open text, encrypted files, or both. You import them into Instantcrypt mainly through copy-paste or drag-drop (drag drop does not always work; this also depends on your e-mail program. Details see here: Receiving E-Mail